Sunday, November 4, 2012

No news is... no news.

Sorry for the lack of updates, between the storms and the daily grind I've spent less time on the water than I'm accustomed to.  The week before Sandy I took the missus out on the river and she was killing the ladyfish with a topwater lure.  She thought they were snook until they started dancing across the surface, they might be garbage fish but they put on a good show!  I learned two lessons that day; "Don't stop reeling until they're landed" because they can easily spit out your lure, and "Don't fish for ladyfish with treble hooks" because if they hit one hook they're very likely to get caught on at least one more!

Today we hit the river and saw plenty of action but the fish weren't picking up what we were laying down.  We tried live fingerlings and sand perch and frozen shrimp, all we got were skates and a little snapper.  I almost landed a snook but almost doesn't count.  There may have been two of them but I'm pretty sure he came back to taunt me again; both times it hit my bait, ran with it, fought me, and spit it out next to the boat.  It wasn't a toothy fish because the sand perch was still alive after both attacks.

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